Why do we put so much pressure on ourselves to be constantly productive?

Do you ever get the same feeling as me that you’re constantly running behind? Like you have a long to do list, you complete 90% of it and yet you still have a niggling feeling like you should have pushed that extra bit to get everything done. Sometimes you do have the energy to finish everything off or but some lucky stroke things take less … Continue reading Why do we put so much pressure on ourselves to be constantly productive?

Healthy alternatives: wholemeal pizza bases

We love pizza in this house. Frozen pizza, takeaway pizza, proper Italian pizza, pizza when drinking, hangover pizza, this list goes on. However, I think its pretty common knowledge that pizza isn’t the healthiest option and anything that increases the nutritional benefits of our Friday night favourite has a big fat thumbs up from us. On top of the nutritional benefits homemade pizza is an … Continue reading Healthy alternatives: wholemeal pizza bases

Something for the weekend: George’s, Leeds

Before I properly start this blog post there are 2 things you need to know:7 The photo quality does not do this restaurant justice. It is embarrassing that after nearly 5 years of blogging that after 5 minutes D took better photos than me. Bravo my darling, bravo. If you’re looking for a venue that can produce a classic British dish and put a contemporary … Continue reading Something for the weekend: George’s, Leeds

The Hobbit Themed Chocolate Birthday Cake

Hobbits are well known for their love of food. So is my family. As the Hobbit is one of my Dad’s all time favourite books it seemed pretty fitting to have a birthday cake themed around the part of the Hobbit; although the execution of it was something of a lucky fluke. Fortunately although it is not an exact replica of how Smaug or his … Continue reading The Hobbit Themed Chocolate Birthday Cake

Spinach and tomato pie

This year D and I have been eating a lot less meat. There were several reasons for this but the best thing to come of it (apart from feeling so much better) was the opportunity to try a whole host of new recipes. Considering D is not really much of a vegetable eater he actually enjoyed this recipe. Alongside having a great many health benefits, … Continue reading Spinach and tomato pie

The Florida Road Trip

Oh Florida you stole my heart! Our final leg of the trip was preceded by a rather disastrous flight to Jacksonville from Washington DC, but we had a wonderful time in Florida. We started in Northern Florida at the beaches of Jacksonville and St Augustine, enjoying relaxing on the white sand and swimming in the sea. We followed our day at the beach with seafood … Continue reading The Florida Road Trip


After more than a week of city breaks we were so ready for some time outdoors and we couldn’t have picked a better location than Shenandoah National Park. Situated in Virginia, we were both blown away with the scale of it and its beauty. We had picked up a hire car in Washington DC and headed for the park, only stopping for walking snacks at … Continue reading Shenandoah

Washington DC

We had a completely different experience of Washington DC to a lot of visitors as we had a very knowledgeable guide. My friend lives and works in Washington DC and has really made the most of living in the capital city and all it has to offer. We started our visit at a barbeque restaurant (where I was so excited to eat that I didn’t … Continue reading Washington DC

Good Morning Baltimore

Following our visit to Philadelphia we spent the day in Baltimore. We barely had time to drip our bags off before heading to the harbour and the National Aquarium. It was apparently unseasonably hot in Baltimore and we really felt it! The harbour in Baltimore is pretty beautiful, especially on a clear day. As it was a Friday night everybody was relaxing in the bars and … Continue reading Good Morning Baltimore

Beautiful Philadelphia

Following New York we had a day each in Philadelphia in the city; however due to having limited time we made the most of our trip by only having a day each in Philadelphia and Baltimore. There is so much history in the older American cities. To us Philadelphia felt like a cross between New York and Amsterdam. There’s something very laid back about the … Continue reading Beautiful Philadelphia